报告人:陆致用, PhD,Deputy Directorfor Literature Search/Senior Investigator,National Centerof Biotechnology Information (NCBI)/National Library of Medicine (NLM)/NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH)
报告摘要:The explosion of biomedical big data and information inthe past decade has created new opportunities for improving the treatment andprevention of human diseases. But the large body of knowledge—mostly exists asfree text for humans to read—presents a grand new challenge: individualinvestigators around the world are increasingly finding themselves overwhelmedby the sheer volume of published literature and are struggling to keep up todate and to make sense of this wealth of textual information. Our research aimsto break down this barrier through natural language processing (NLP) and textmining. In this presentation, I will discuss our work on developing large-scaleNLP tools as well as their uses in real-world applications such as assistingdatabase curation and improving PubMed search quality.
报告人简介: Dr. Lu is the NCBI Deputy Director forLiterature Search at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), leading itsoverall efforts (in both research and engineering) to improve search qualityand usability in NCBI production resources such as PubMed & PubMed Labs. Hewas the first NIH Earl Stadtman Investigator in bioinformatics andcomputational biology and is now a Senior Investigator (with tenure) directingNCBI’s Text Mining Research Program. Over the years, his research group hasdeveloped a number of widely used software tools (e.g. PubTator and DNorm) formining the scientific literature and electronic medical records. Dr. Lu is anAssociate Editor for BMC Bioinformatics, Journal of Health Informatics Research,and serves on the editorial board for the Journal Database. He is an organizerof the international BioCreative text-mining challenge and has authored over140 publications since 2004.